Archive for September, 2012

The Crazy Cat Lady of Kabul

The Crazy Cat Lady of Kabul.

Buddha Park (Xieng Khuan)

Buddha Park (Xieng Khuan).


I am working on fixing some issues so bear with me OK .

Bare with me everyone still working on some issues , almost done

My Poems



My Poems I wrote and some of these were written from my dreams.and a couple of them were published to. I wish I could put them on here with the design but the program I use would take up to much space. Dreams, God’s Earth, and Ode To Christmas were published By international library Of Poetry ( and Eber & Wein

The Colors of Life: The International Library of Poetry [Hardcover] On Amazon

Forever Spoken (A compilation) [Hardcover] On Amazon

From a Window: Sights Unseen On Barnes and Noble and  Amazon

My Poem Shadows In The Dark coming soon



Dreams can be beautiful
Dreams can be bad, but also sad.
Dreams can be colorful, also in black and white.
There are crazy dreams, and lazy dreams.
There are scary but also airy dreams, like floating on a cloud, where no one else aloud!
In your own world.
There are all kinds of dreams, pay attention, it seems! Because dreams do tell, so you might as well.
The mind is a strange place to be, because inside there so much to see.
So watch, wait and be ready to see, everything you never seen,
till you’ve seen it in your dreams

By Sherry Mastromarino


Moon Dreams
Moon Dreams (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


God’s Earth

God made this earth, Right!!!
So, why does everyone take it so light!
As a gift to us from God,
He trusted us upon his sod.
He gave mankind, kind hope and more,
that he has opened up this door
To have this gift from God is joy,
not just some little toy.
We act as though it’s a burden to us,
but most of all we never must give up on this great gift.
To lift up and share this special gift.
Mankind has taken advantage of God,
because they have not taken care of his sod.
Animals, trees, birds and more,
are crying for help like never before,
land and sea are asking for help,
but no one is really listening to what is dealt.
So listen close to what earth has to say,
as so one day there may not be anything to hear,
and this for fear is not good

By Sherry Mastromarino


Marriage (Photo credit: Lel4nd)



I believe that marriage is a sacred vow,




but why do people forsake it now.
Is it a piece of paper? Or… is it love
No! It’s not a piece of paper or a convenience to one.
To some it’s just,to others it’s a must and then there is both.
You marry for love, honor, faith, trust and more- to honor your vows.
Marriage should be love, not convenience, till death do us part, not till you tear up the papers.
Some of us would love to have that special love, and others just throw it away like it meant nothing.
By Sherry Mastromarino


christmas 2007
Christmas 2007 (Photo credit: paparutzi)


Ode To Christmas

I wish… I wish, Christmas

I wish that Christmas could be like the Christmas cartoons,
with the beautiful sparkling snow and moon. The animals
are running freely and leaving little pitter patters of feet
in the snow. The birds are chirping away so happily
as they flutter through the snow, playing with the chipmunks
and deer. I sit and watch, as if they have not a care
in the world, just free to play and scurry around
wherever they want.
I wish… I wish Christmas was!
I wish Christmas could be like the Christmas movies,
where the snow falls so perfectly
as each snowflake hits the ground and lands on the trees.
The icicles hanging from the limbs — branches,and the roofs
of the houses;they look like crystals glowing in the sun.
The houses so beautifully decorated with Christmas lights
and decorations. As everyone sits around the fireplace,
drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows,
while opening their gifts.
I learned that “Christmas is not what is; it’s what it’s about.”
I remember being in Vermont;
as I was sitting in the restaurant, the view of the forest
was covered with beautiful, pure white snow,
as I sit and watch the squirrels, blue jays and cardinals in
the snow scattering around, thinking how free they must feel
out there. I wish… I wish Christmas

By Sherry Mastromarino


christmas stars
Christmas stars (Photo credit: mararie)



Troubled Waters

Your mind is like troubled waters…

Always flowing like a stream.
Like a Dream!!!
Even, during the day, your mind has something to say, Or, mostly at night
after!!! you turn out the light.
Open your eyes to disguise these bad dreams, but never works because the dream still lurks.

By Sherry Mastromarino

Related articles

The Lure of Money: Is not worth a friendship

No matter what people say, you do not need to be bought or told that if you don’t do this I won’t be your friend. Because friends like that, you don’t need any enemies.They are not worth being your friend if they force you to do something you normally wouldn’t do

Eve Tempted

No, money would sway me into to doing something, I normally wouldn’t do. But first it depends on what it is, because I preferably like it outside jail not inside jail.

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Silence or Small Talk

Knowing when to talk with someone on a plane is kind of a guessing game because some people don’t like to talk and others do, and some are too busy to talk

Flying snow

I always try to chat with the person next to me on the plane, especially since I have a fear of flying and kind of gets my mind of what is going on you know. Unless of  course I notice that they are busy and may not want to talk then I listen to my Ipod

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Global warming- Myth Or Truth

The Discovery of Global Warming

It is not a myth, it is a fact

OK, it is time I finished this article, because we are seriously in trouble. So in the last 4-5 Years we have had major changes in weather. I don’t know if anyone has been paying attention. But like the fact that we have very little snow which is needed to kill off the old and bring in the new and this why we have been invaded by ants, and stink bugs and the ticks were high this year to. We have had very little rain up until this year, and as much as we have had the streams, rivers and lakes and more… are still losing water or are dried up. Within this time frame NY has never had Tornadoes, and now we are getting more than our fair share of Tornadoes now. We even had a few Earthquakes to at the rate of 7.5 – 8 on the Richter scale but these happened like 4-8 years ago. We have barely had Spring for the last for years and we had our heat on until June of this year and even a couple of summers we have missed to. but now we are getting down in the 40’s at night and even getting cold by the day.

The Antarctic and Arctic Ocean are melting fast, Animals are trying to find food, and a home to live because of the changes. If the Ice caps melt you do know that NYC will be underwater right. And because I said this is my biggest article, I have some pictures I will post later, but I wanted to mention that 2 times in 2 years I have seen an Aurora color in the in the sky. I thought that only happens in North Pole, but apparently not. The first one had some colors in it but couldn’t get a good spot to stop and get the photo, but I did get the second one that I just saw this week. Another odd thing about 3 months I noticed something odd and it had been aligned with the North Star for 2 weeks straight in the same spot every night and I did get a shot of what turned to be Saturn aligned with the North Star. More hurricanes than ever before out of  nowhere. Please people we really need to try to fix this because if we don’t we will have nothing. We can do our part in this if we really want to, and if not think about your kids. Trees are peeling like bananas because they don’t have enough water. The deer are eating out of garbage cans and coming in to Rural and Urban areas to find food. A squirrel stole my stuffing out of my chair to make his nest. This can not be anymore explanatory than this, and I can go on but it would take a lot of time.

I just wanted to give you an idea of what is happening. Also when you through your garbage on the ground it does have an impact on the environment so think about that next time someone throws their garbage on the ground. I am also going to post a video I want you see to, made by a child in a contest on National Geographic. On that note I will end this here and hope I have said enough. Oh one more thing I need to mention, is that we are cutting way to many trees down,they are a huge impact on our planet, because not only do they protect the earth from flooding, they also protect the plants and animals to and they are 99% of our Oxygen we breathe. I saw a saying a child said, and it goes like this, “Trees are like our children, we take care of our children, so take care of our trees.” (Unknown)

Some links to check out :

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Submit: Why I Blog

Submit: Why I Blog.

We need to speak up, we have freedom of speech


I have to say a lot more now than before, because we are in trouble. I think they are worrying about all the wrong things. Like for example? a law to stop restaurants from serving salt, really, or how about a law to stop stores from serving 32 oz sodas. Really, we can’t even follow the laws we have now, and they want to create more laws

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Christmas Spirit


No one should ever, not have the christmas spirit. I know it is rough but this is the time to enjoy what we have

christmas 2007

Christmas is my favorite time of year because I love the decorations, and the festivities. I am not much for snow except that i love to take shots of beautiful winter scenery with the snow. But anymore lately I notice people aren’t into Christmas like they used to be. They don’t decorate, they don’t have the spirit of Christmas either

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Sun Rise, Sun Set


I think it is amazing how every Sunset and Sunrise creates a Different color everyday


I prefer both, because they are so beautiful. I love to get great Sunrise and Sunset shots. The colors that arise from some of these Sunrise and Sunset shots are amazing

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My Favorite time of Year

Best time of the year, at least it used to before it started getting colder, but I love fall


I love fall, The weather use to be where it was not to hot and not to cold, where you didn’t need a jacket or a sweater. I love watching the leaves fall and change colors to. Or sit by a fire drinking Hot Chocalate and watch the Squirrells, and Winter Birds

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Inspirational Movies

English: tricolor sash of a french police offi...

English: tricolor sash of a french police officer (superintendent) Français : écharpe tricolore d’officier de police judiciaire (Commissaire de Police), France (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Freshman Father- Based on a true story of a boy from Iowa about to enter college and finds out his girlfriend is pregnant, he tries to do the right thing by marrying her, going to school, until she leaves them. But he struggled to stay in school, and take care of his son, till he finally graduates.

Accidental Friendship- Based on a true story of a police officer who becomes a guardian and friend to a homeless women who loves her dogs and in the end changes her life for the better after helping her get her life together, and now has a beautiful husband and family, with a home

Another Inspirational Story- Divorce, and the moral of the story


Marriage (Photo credit: Lel4nd)

So I know I am working on some other topics, but this one was another story that I just had to share with you because this story was very inspiring to me. I hope it will for you to. Now, I know that divorce is the hardest thing to go through, especially after being married for so many years. But after you here this story, you might see it a little differently. Or I at least hope this will help.

I was watching Insider Edition which I usually don’t watch stuff like that but this story really intrigued my interest. Anyway, we all know how most divorces end up messy, and everyone goes their separate ways. Well this story is different.

The story is about a man and a women who get married and they are married for 10 Yrs., and one day they just up and decided they wanted a divorce, and so they did, but the mother-In Law and daughter-In law stayed friends.

One day the mother-law found out she had Renal Kidney failure and had to go on the dialysis machine. Well lo and behold her daughter in law decided she was going to help her and when she went to the hospital, she found out she was the perfect match for her, and she is alive today because of her.

Her husband couldn’t believe she would actually help his mother like that and didn’t even know what to think or say.

So the moral of the story here is that she was sent to that family for a reason, and I believe that she was his mothers angel, watching over her, and that is why she was where she was when his mother got sick. She was able to save a person’s life and didn’t think twice about doing it either.

Now I am sorry they got a divorce, but something good did come out of all this. So if any of you have had a divorce, look back and see if anything good came out of what you had while you were married, and no it doesn’t have to be saving a life it can be anything at all. So this is a valuable lesson, that even for me means that even though things don’t always work out. Sometimes something else good will come out of it and we all learn something new.


My Mom and Duke posted this article on Facebook on Bullying. I am sharing this because I recently talked about this issue at hand. and is a good example . This really makes me sick to my stomach that this actually happens and just like he said they have no one to turn to. Please let’s try to make a difference, by helping children and teens in dealing with bullying, whether ii is Cyber Bullying , or bullying period


Hit Ctrl and click Facebook link to see post on my mother’s page about Bullying


Taxes – What do they pay for? Why is there no money?

Property Taxes Icon

This is one subject that I have wanted to talk about for a while now and every time I start the article, I change directions to another topic. So I figure now it is time to get this out there.

So we all know that we pay Sales Tax, Local, State, Federal, Property, Leisure taxes and more… But you get the idea. Anyway the reason I wanted to bring this subject up is because like for example, our town wants to raise property taxes and they have taken away our Village Police Dept. But the one thing that bugs me is that in their eyes, the president’s eyes and government’s eyes and whoever else there is to include, they say that there is no budget for anything, so that is why they are raising property taxes…

Now according to what is paid out of all these taxes we pay, and there seems to be no money, then where is it going to is what I want to know. All these taxes we pay for are used for supporting towns, villages and more they are used to fix roads, bridges and more. They are used for services, and Medicaid / Medicare, and a lot of other things . So I was thinking about how they keep raising all the taxes, but what they don’t realize is that our economy can not afford anything as it is now, so is it really the answer to raise taxes, when we can’t afford to take care of what we have now. This also makes it very hard and is one reason why people lose their homes to foreclosures. Raising taxes isn’t the answer but I have come up with an idea that might work, and if I could get this idea across to the president and whoever else I can reach with this idea it might work and save us from hardship.

Now we all know that there are budgets for everything right, like roads, schools, libraries, and more. I don’t want to name all of them it would be way to long, but what if they were to take the money for the budgets of each and every one of these facilities and put it into to an escrow account, and that way the money is not only there, but it also grows at the same time, and then all they have to do is make sure that in the escrow stipulations is to make sure that the money can be used with no penalties if needed . that way it is a win-win situation right . I mean doesn’t that make more sense.

See unlike my town, they want to raise property taxes, but for what they don’t do anything for the town. Lie the crime, garbage, police department and more.  We as a nation need to speak up, we have freedom of speech and no one will speak but if we don’t they will win in the end. where does the ends justify the means. We are in trouble so why not lets just raise everything so we can get more money to spend, Oh I forgot there is no money to spend. So where the ???? is it going to, is what I would like to know.


Motorcycles- Everybody tells us we need to protect motorcycle drivers

A motorcycle crashed a Honda City sedan car

This is what happens when you drive recklessly

Now I don’t have anything against anyone who can drive, but when it comes to people who drive like maniacs I do not feel sorry for them, whether it be a motorcycle, car or other vehicle. Now, I have to say this I have seen people on motorcycles do some crazy things.

Like how when they are driving down the road and they go through the middle of traffic, what happens if a car tries to come into another lane or they open the door. Or they go around you where there is no lane at all, and drive like Evil Knieval, with motorcycle up in the air or swinging left to right on the motorcycle like it is a toy.

Well little advice it isn’t a toy, and it isn’t safe either. So no matter what you are driving,it isn’t a game. Being reckless not only kills people, but you could get killed to. I have seen so many motorcycles in one week do stupid things and I just don’t understand it all. Yes and cars to. I agree. So while you are driving whatever vehicle you are driving, think about your life,and how important it is, or even your families, and kids to. If you can’t live for you, then you obviously don’t care to live for your families to, because in all perspective that is what you are showing your kids, and saying, ”Hey if they can do it why can’t I do it”.

So please think about that when you are driving crazy out there, because you only get one chance at life. See now out of how many of these accidents was the driver or other person at fault. But still either way that is way to high a rate for motorcycle/car accidents 


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