Posts by shras789

It’s done

Now that I have had my surgery, I am now in Physical therapy and on my way to recovery.

It’s Time

Sorry I haven’t been on everybody. Tomorrow’s the day, I’m having my surgery tomorrow on my neck and hopefully after this I will be back on my blog. Thank you to everyone for being so patient with me.

Birthday Quote … off A Christmas Movie called (Twice Upon A Christmas)


Angels From Above

Angels From Above

“You should always celebrate your birthday, it’s such an important day. It reminds us of a miracle each one of us is. All the special things that come together, that make you, you! It has nothing to do with how old you are, it’s about how wonderful life is.

Albany Senate Leadership Events

The Best State Senator

In Memory Of Thomas Morahan

Before Thomas Morahan passed away, I received a letter addressed from him dated May 7, 2010, mention of Lower Hudson Valley residents concerned about the process of policy formation. We also question the timely manner of forming a consensus as to who is the head of the New York State Senate. So what occurred at that time was that the NY State Senate was the focus of attention,during which time upper chamber of the legislature was in question. On June 8, 2009 Minority lawmakers joined two majority Senators to elect a new Senate Majority Leader in hopes that they will follow a different path then the previous leader from Jan to June of 2009. Promises included a legislative body with more openness, accountability, and transparency.Thomas Morahan objected to (raising taxes, cuts to health and unaccountable allocations of Fed Stimulus Monies, along with post budget adoption of the MTA payroll tax. On June 8th a new bipartisan coalition passed new rules for the senate to create an open bipartisan, transparent and member driven body. After weeks of dispute it was resolved and some new rule changes were adopted to permit greater openness and accessibility in the Chamber.

So, In Memory of a great State Senator Thomas Morahan,a man who has done so much for us, as a Senator. We need more honest people like him.

The time has finally come…

Surgery has been authorized, now I have to get a new MRI done first. I apologize for not being on in so long. But the day is finally coming, I’m happy it’s finally here, but nervous now. I know don’t be nervous.

Drinking And Driving: Is it really worth you and your children’s lives

Read The Sign, Really Read it

Read The Sign, Really Read it

I happened to watch this movie called (Crossroads; A Story Of Forgiveness) Inspired by true events. Where teen racing kills wife and child. Also, I want to mention the story of Actor Paul Walker. These are very sad stories. So I want to say this: if you don’t value your own life, then at least value your kids lives, because they should not have to pay the price for mistakes made by adults and teens. Grownups are supposed to teach their children, the difference between right and wrong. So; if you think about it this way. Children see and adult do something they’re  not supposed to do, then they will think that it’s OK  for them to. I have seen many parents do that.

So basically if you want your children to learn from right and wrong, then don’t do something that you don’t want your kids to do. Because children will follow your lead and will not think twice about it until after the tragic results.

This also goes for talking on cell phones while driving to, because it only takes a split second with your eyes off the road to cause a serious accident.

These are statistics of accidents by Motor Vehicles. Check out the website  


Table 1103. Motor Vehicle Accidents—Number and Deaths: 1990 to 2009
[11.5 represents 11,500,000]
Item Unit 1990 1995 2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Motor vehicle accidents 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . Million . . . 11.5 10.7 13.4 10.9 10.7 10.4 10.6 10.2 10.8  See more on this website
Motor vehicle deaths within 1 yr. 2
. . . . . 1,000 . . . . 46.8 43.4 43.4 44.9 45.3 45.3 43.9 39.7 35.9

I want to say that these statistics are way to high.

Say Hello And Sorry

I just wanted let everyone know that I apologize for not being on in awhile. My neck has locked up again but I think it’s in it”s final stages because it has literally been cutting circulation off in my whole body. I sat up last night writing another letter,yet again to give to my lawyer and doctors. I would really appreciate it if everyone could pray this happens soon, because I really don’t know how much of this I can take. I know this sounds crazy, but I lost my faith the system and I am at my wits end with this whole thing. I know this my be a lot to ask, but I need all the help I can get please.

So my friends.

I think I finished it, now I need your advice. What do you think, and if I need to change anything. I am now hitting the Hay. LOL Good night all.

Creating A Second Blog

This is just A temp blog. I will update later OK

Hawaii who?

Hawaii who?. That is great, and funny to

USA Weekend Paper: In The Journal News Local Paper

I found some interesting articles in this paper. I thought I would share  with everyone, because there are some great tips in here on different things.

1.   5 tips on how to be gorgeous for less $$$ Pad time between your hair appointments (3 times a year, or have an assistant trim your hair at your own risk !!!!

Skip shampooing, or blow drying your hair.

Go off hours – usually they have better prices on certain days, or training sessions (at your own risk).

Don’t color so much  – Only do it a couple of times a year, it’s less expensive.

Grow longer hair, you tend to have to cut short hair more than you do if your hair was longer. Ask your hairdresser. This article was Written By Michelle Meyer.

2.   Little time to work out? You can still stay trim.

Keep eating. Do not skip meals, like me. I tend to do it because of the pain, or I just don’t feel hungry.

No breakfast is the worst breakfast, which I cannot do breakfast to early. I like to eat at around 10-11 AM and have like either toast or cereal.

If it grows on a tree, eat it. When in doubt reach for something that grows on trees. Article Written By McKenna Grant.

3.   Apps can make your life easier.

Remember the Milk app creates master to-do lists, sets reminders, sorts tasks by due date, works with Android, Blackberry, iPhone, and Windows Mobile (free).

Get a handle on your budget –  Lemon app scans and catalogs receipts, (where and when you spend money, can organize by chart, based on retailer works with Android, and iPhone (free).

Get a human on the line The Fast Customer app –  The answer to getting stuck pushing all those keypad entries to get a live person on the phone, you select a company, enter their contact #, and a rep will call you. (works with Android, and iPhone (free). Article Written By McKenna Grant.

4.   Go Wild! Go Native!  This one I thought was really interesting, because, no one likes pesky animals and insects in their garden. Well, today we’re going to learn something new about gardening and those pesky animals and insects. So get ready, and ill be back in 5, I have to take a little break. Have some tea and biscuits. LOL. So according to this article, animals, insects, birds, and  squirrels are actually good for your garden. According to what they are saying: Is that a garden that supports wildlife, such as insects, rodents, frogs, lizards and birds. This can be a win win  for you and the animals. She states that, “We’re missing out on the natural piece of life.” She states the key; Is to use native plants to meet the animals needs where they need sunshine to, so keep a nice open area in a sunny spot. She also says, that Cluster trees and large shrubs in layers for nesting and hiding, and water an area of your yard that puddles up perfect for birds and butterflies. The best part is you don’t clean up much because leaf litter is perfect for insects. But as far as deer and rabbits go, the only way they will stay away is if you have plants that are highly scented and fuzzy. But she does say that in the end you will lose some plants. Article Written By Molly Lyons.

Apps for digital green thumbs Field guides from Audubon, about trees, wildflowers, birds, butterflies and more… (9.99 and up).

Leafsnap – developed by Columbia University, University of Maryland and the Smithsonian Institute. Where you are able to name any tree by a photograph of their leaves (free).

Garden Design With Jamie Durie – Plant Finder Database, (2.99 and up).   

Don’t Throw Books Out, Donate Them To The Poor!

I see a lot of people through books out, when there is nothing wrong the books. I believe that instead of throwing them out the should give them to the poor children, who are in desperate need of books.

Wall Of Honor: For Our Troops Who Serve Our Country, And For Those Who Died For Our Country

I decided to start this wall in honor of our troops, who serve our country, and for who died for our country to. So if anyone would like to sign this wall for the troops, please feel free to do so. Thank You.

It Isnt Always What It Seems

Yes that is true. Everyday, there is always an obstacle or something that will happen, whether good or bad.

Folk art

Virginia Legislators Introduce New Anti-Sodomy Law

I agree , but he should also add that any child at that age under shouldn’t allowed to get pregnant either. Beacause their are to many young teens getting pregnant and then they have to abort it and it is not right or fair to that baby either.


562832_336467456411546_1508062389_aVirginia state Sen. Thomas Garrett Jr. has introduced an anti-sodomy law to replace a prior law that was struck down in 2013 that targets sex with individuals below the age of 18. This new and improved morality law could criminalize an array of different forms of consensual relations, including oral sex. I recently wrote a column on the welcomed demise of morality codes in the United States.

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Publicize Crash Course: LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Path

Publicize Crash Course: LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Path.

100 Word Song – Limelight

polysyllabic profundities


Like the moon held captive in the night sky,

I am suspended in my reality unable to breathe.

My true freedom is a vague memory.

My personal space exists only in the lens of a camera.

Vague reflections of a life I once had are mirrored in that glass.

All I wanted was to reflect my passion through my art.

Fragmented moments alone are stored deep in memory,

treasured few blinks in time that I can grasp and hold tight.

I envy that moon, alone in the night sky

surrounded by stars unable to bridge the distance.

Solitude escapes me.


Written for the 100 Word Song Challenge over at My Blog Can Beat up your Blog.  You should check it out and follow him if you are not already.

I got to choose the song this week and I chose Limelight by Rush. (yes, it’s a Canadian band and I…

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Kathmandu Nepal

Wow amazing

Bad news for Michael Mann’s ‘treemometers’ ?

This is very interesting.

Watts Up With That?

peanuts_treemometerFrom the “trees aren’t linear instruments and the Liebigs Law department” and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, comes this story that suggests the older trees are, the less linear their tree ring growth might be, which has implications for “paleoclimatology” and Mann’s hockey stick temperature reconstructions from tree rings.

Trees grow faster and store more carbon as they age

Trees put on weight faster and faster as they grow older, according to a new study in the journal Nature. The finding that most trees’ growth accelerates as they age suggests that large, old trees may play an unexpectedly dynamic role in removing carbon from the atmosphere.

Richard Condit, staff scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, devised the analysis to interpret measurements from more than 600,000 trees belonging to 403 species. “Rather than slowing down or ceasing growth and carbon uptake, as we previously assumed, most of…

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Oh So Beautiful

That is adorable,thank you for sharing it.

Who I am

I was reading a forward a friend sent me and I just loved it. I thought, I bet my friends at WP will love it also, so I am going to share it with you.


I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
“It’s me, I haven’t left you, I’m well, I’m fine, I’m here.”

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,
You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care.

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Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.

I wish that we had more people like him in this world. Because violence is not the answer to solving problems. Who was it that said actions speak louder than words. In this case it’s not true, words actually speak louder than your actions. Try it sometime you might even like it.

Exquisite Gift Baskets

“Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream was a manifestation of hope that humanity might one day get out of its own way by finding the courage to realize that love and nonviolence are not indicators of weakness but gifts of significant strength.”
Aberjhani, Illuminated Corners: Collected Essays and Articles Volume I.



A Baptist minister and social activist, Martin Luther King Jr. played a key role in the American civil rights movement from the mid-1950s until his assassination in 1968. Inspired by advocates of nonviolence such as Mahatma Gandhi, King sought equality for African Americans, the economically disadvantaged, and victims of injustice through peaceful protest. He was the driving force behind history making events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington, which helped bring about such landmark legislation as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.




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Blog of the Year 2013 Award!!!

Check this out LOL

cancer killing recipe

That’s awesome! Second year a row my Blog got nominated for Blog of the Year Award!

Thank you Belsbror!!! –

And that means that we are alive and doing good – Me and my Blog.

Me – thanks to your support and well wishes – I don’t have other choice – I have to be good. 🙂 .

And Blog – thanks to my 3 Angels who are helping to write it.

And as I mentioned before ( DITTO ) all the Awards belong to the Angels… And they are singing: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! AND HAPPINESS TO ALL!!!

God Bless you all! Oneanna65

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An Award For Me, Wow!!!

One Lovely BlogI just received this award from quirkybooks. We have been an inspiration to each other through are disabilities and have kept each other going. She inspired me because it has been so hard to sit and blog with my injuries, so now I have dragon speech and I can use the headphones now. So I hope to see more of all my lovely bloggers again. I also have worked on some new topics for my blog to.

Thank you for this inspiring award. Because my inspiration has changed to. I wrote a letter to the judge for workman’s Comp, and hopefully he will listen. I started doing my art work again and I created 4 pieces of art. I finished my 1st song I created in Music Creator.

Still haven’t got to my book that I have to rewrite, but don’t worry, now with dragon it will be easier.


That poor child. That bird was like his angel, he felt safe with that bird and when he died, he lost hope. The teacher and the bus driver are at fault for not stopping the bullying to. Bullying is not right. No matter who it is, and even if they are different . When you bully someone, next time think about how you would feel if the same was done to you, where the shoe is on the other foot. Believe me you wouldn’t like it.

Stats Wrangling V: The Words that Bring You Traffic

Stats Wrangling V: The Words that Bring You Traffic. Definitely learn new things everyday




Traffic stats

Traffic stats (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Drape Your Dashboard In Living Color

In Living Color

In Living Color (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Drape Your Dashboard In Living Color. Want some color in your life, well here you go


Refine Your Blog’s Voice with New Fonts

New Font: Sweet® Upright Script

New Font: Sweet® Upright Script (Photo credit: FontShop)

Refine Your Blog’s Voice with New Fonts. Cool, New fonts to work with YAY. Can we get this one LOL

My Loyal Followers

Loyal painting

Loyal painting (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I can’t believe that I have actually hit 3,068 hits on my blog. I want to thank everyone for being patient with me and my injuries. I said I promised to be back on soon, I will I promise, the sitting is the problem though. If you have any Ideas, I’m willing to try them.

Ray Ferrer - Emotion on Canvas

** OFFICIAL Site of Artist Ray Ferrer **


Movies, thoughts, thoughts about movies.


Falkland Palace and Gardens the Royal Stuart Renaissance holiday home- NTS property open to the public

M J Mallon YA Author and Poet

Kyrosmagica Publishing - The Magical Home of Books, Writing, Poetry, Photography and Inspiration

Communication Creations

Freelance writing and editing services

Joshi Daniel Photography

Photoblog of Joshi Daniel

A Holistic Journey

Finding my way back out of motherhood -- while mothering

Steve Borsuk Photography

Steve Borsuk Photography


Drawing my art, Photographing my art, Editing my photos in my software. Where I have my artwork and my Photo-Art-Ography

The Abuse Expose' with Secret Angel

A blog reaching out to victims of abuse and others in need, providing insight about abuse, hope for the future, and guidance to see THE LIGHT that lead Secret Angel out of the darkness of her own abusive situation and helped her to not only survive but to overcome.


Literature, books , sport and whatever intrigues me

The Dystopian Nation of City-State

A cruel, futuristic vision created by science fiction authors James Courtney and Kaisy Wilkerson-Mills. ©2013-2016. All Rights Reserved. All writings available through Amazon.

J T Weaver

When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. — Dylan.

Muse Ministry

Poetry and serendipity.

Being Margaret

Life, Insights and Observations Through Writing and Art


Books For Sale