Posts from the ‘Poems’ Category

My Tale From A to Z

7 Lucky Gods of japan

7 Lucky Gods of japan (Photo credit: Steve-kun)


My Tale From A To Z


A Tale of a Girl who got injured


Because she slipped in the snow and


Can’t function very well, but


Doing things are very hard, and


Every day is a struggle. I also


Forget a lot to. I pray to


God everyday to


Help me through this, But


I wake up every day, with some good days,


some bad, but more really bad days


Just tell everyone to stop telling me


it is all in my mind, don’t think about it


Kills me to tell them they have no


idea what I’m going through


Let Go, Let God, they say


Mainly being bored out of my mind


Not being able to work, and do the things I enjoy


Other than that I am going crazy


Particularly since the walls feel like they closed


in on me, and


Quality time with family has been less and less,


because I have to


Restrict my driving, because it hurts too much to


Sit for long periods at a


Time. So


Until I get the surgery, which I hope is soon


Very soon. I am


Watching what I do, so I don’t overdo it




You’ve all have been so patient since this


happened, and now I am going to


Zap on out of here


and go to bed


Good Night all


This was actually inspired by (


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My Own Thought of The Day!!!

look around you... [790]

look around you… [790] (Photo credit: brianjmatis)

OK, so  I was talking on the phone last night, and the conversation we were having led to this quote that came to my mind. My own quote, that I am pretty sure no one else has ever said. But it goes like this. A wise man once said,” Look around you, you might see something no one else see’s”.

By SAM (My Initials) LOL

So basically it means that more people need to not only look ahead, but also need to up. down and side to side, You would be pretty amazed by what you might see.

My Poems



My Poems I wrote and some of these were written from my dreams.and a couple of them were published to. I wish I could put them on here with the design but the program I use would take up to much space. Dreams, God’s Earth, and Ode To Christmas were published By international library Of Poetry ( and Eber & Wein

The Colors of Life: The International Library of Poetry [Hardcover] On Amazon

Forever Spoken (A compilation) [Hardcover] On Amazon

From a Window: Sights Unseen On Barnes and Noble and  Amazon

My Poem Shadows In The Dark coming soon



Dreams can be beautiful
Dreams can be bad, but also sad.
Dreams can be colorful, also in black and white.
There are crazy dreams, and lazy dreams.
There are scary but also airy dreams, like floating on a cloud, where no one else aloud!
In your own world.
There are all kinds of dreams, pay attention, it seems! Because dreams do tell, so you might as well.
The mind is a strange place to be, because inside there so much to see.
So watch, wait and be ready to see, everything you never seen,
till you’ve seen it in your dreams

By Sherry Mastromarino


Moon Dreams
Moon Dreams (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


God’s Earth

God made this earth, Right!!!
So, why does everyone take it so light!
As a gift to us from God,
He trusted us upon his sod.
He gave mankind, kind hope and more,
that he has opened up this door
To have this gift from God is joy,
not just some little toy.
We act as though it’s a burden to us,
but most of all we never must give up on this great gift.
To lift up and share this special gift.
Mankind has taken advantage of God,
because they have not taken care of his sod.
Animals, trees, birds and more,
are crying for help like never before,
land and sea are asking for help,
but no one is really listening to what is dealt.
So listen close to what earth has to say,
as so one day there may not be anything to hear,
and this for fear is not good

By Sherry Mastromarino


Marriage (Photo credit: Lel4nd)



I believe that marriage is a sacred vow,




but why do people forsake it now.
Is it a piece of paper? Or… is it love
No! It’s not a piece of paper or a convenience to one.
To some it’s just,to others it’s a must and then there is both.
You marry for love, honor, faith, trust and more- to honor your vows.
Marriage should be love, not convenience, till death do us part, not till you tear up the papers.
Some of us would love to have that special love, and others just throw it away like it meant nothing.
By Sherry Mastromarino


christmas 2007
Christmas 2007 (Photo credit: paparutzi)


Ode To Christmas

I wish… I wish, Christmas

I wish that Christmas could be like the Christmas cartoons,
with the beautiful sparkling snow and moon. The animals
are running freely and leaving little pitter patters of feet
in the snow. The birds are chirping away so happily
as they flutter through the snow, playing with the chipmunks
and deer. I sit and watch, as if they have not a care
in the world, just free to play and scurry around
wherever they want.
I wish… I wish Christmas was!
I wish Christmas could be like the Christmas movies,
where the snow falls so perfectly
as each snowflake hits the ground and lands on the trees.
The icicles hanging from the limbs — branches,and the roofs
of the houses;they look like crystals glowing in the sun.
The houses so beautifully decorated with Christmas lights
and decorations. As everyone sits around the fireplace,
drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows,
while opening their gifts.
I learned that “Christmas is not what is; it’s what it’s about.”
I remember being in Vermont;
as I was sitting in the restaurant, the view of the forest
was covered with beautiful, pure white snow,
as I sit and watch the squirrels, blue jays and cardinals in
the snow scattering around, thinking how free they must feel
out there. I wish… I wish Christmas

By Sherry Mastromarino


christmas stars
Christmas stars (Photo credit: mararie)



Troubled Waters

Your mind is like troubled waters…

Always flowing like a stream.
Like a Dream!!!
Even, during the day, your mind has something to say, Or, mostly at night
after!!! you turn out the light.
Open your eyes to disguise these bad dreams, but never works because the dream still lurks.

By Sherry Mastromarino

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